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Are You a Mermaid? :) What I have discovered about them.

Actualizado: 9 jun 2018

I love everything about Mermaids and it is not because of their increasing popularity, but because of, as I mentioned in the "About me” section, years ago I have discovered my strong connection with them, as well as with many other magical beings, totem animals and elements too.

I would like to share with you now what I have got during these last years of intuitively connecting to them and their original blueprints, please just take only what resonates with you.

For me, the body structure of Mermaid and Merman speaks about them for itself, representing a powerful merge between Antimatter and Matter, as the upper body represents a human being (and so the matter, creation, spirit made manifest), and the mermaid tail represents the Water Element (antimatter, subtle realms, spirituality or heaven, if you will), which is a Sacred Space, the Mother´s womb where all Creation of matter happens when she sings her celestial song, and the Melody of her Divine Voice just bursts out from her loving, innocent and joyful Heart. And yet, this is what I perceive as their fundamental gift and purpose. 

The Tale of Ariel and many others which talks about a Mermaid's desire of having legs to become a complete human being to be able to live together with her human partner in his human world she desire to know, is the expression of her deep love and child's fascination for all this beautiful material world that emerged from the waters of creation, from this subtle and mysterious creational space, and her strong desire to become a part of it fully.

Is the heart desire of completeness, Oneness, a natural merge of Heaven and Earth into Unity, when the Earth becomes absolute reflection of Heavenly realms.


- Mermaid qualities and skills and how they can help us -

The Flow.

Maintenance of the Flow through the balance

between constant letting in and letting go.

Sound and Music.

Creation of Life and Matter.

Easiness in manifestation.


Manifestation through heart and voice.

Feminine & Mother principles.

Water element.

Endless possibilities, the unknown, the profound.

Sacred Space which sustains Life, Sacred Womb.

Gateway to matter.

Earth & Heaven Unification.

Pure Love.

Innocence, purity, transparency.

Playfulness and joy.

Well being.

Pleasure and sexuality.

Fascination and wonder.

The importance of honoring the Inner Child.

Protector of the offspring and the Life.

Quality of holding, sustaining and nurturing.

Keeping healthy boundaries in order

to preserve Life and well-being.

Higher intuition and instinct.

 High sensory perception, especially of sound.

Letting the Spirit in and express it as pure

as it comes, through the voice, etc.

Perception of beauty, balance and harmony.

Helps us release unresolved inner

blockages, conflicts and hidden emotions.

Honesty and truthfulness, healing

of self-deception behaviors.

Creating Effortlessly.

Healing and rehabilitating the matter.

Revitalizing Force. Now, I would also like to talk about people who are strongly related to mermaids and their skills: Some of you can notably feel an inexplicable but deep connection with this kind of magical beings, with the seas and water creatures, the flow of life that does put a smile on your face or makes your heart sing. This strong attraction beyond reason can be conscious or unconscious, and often manifested through a strong familiarity with marine life or through lucid dreaming about living under water and having the ability to breathe in there.

People who are strongly related to mermaids can have both, positive and negative aspects like everybody, right? :), So, I am going to talk about how I perceive both of them.

So, as Mermaid souls are highly intuitive, they often go with their gut feeling.

They like to help and are very protective of those who love, their families and best friends, as they have a strong feeling of belonging and are heartily attracted to their soul group of Mermaid family, to everyone and everything that has something to do with the Water element, dolphins, turtles whales,.. :)

They can feel if you are “water being” too, or how much of this element resides within you, in your Core Spirit Blueprint, and so they tend intuitively to form groups of these intuitively and to stay very loyal to them. Occasionally they may become very territorial, even aggressive, when protecting their space or a member of their group, but sometimes blinded by their loyalty to their species, when they are not honestly seeking the truth in these situations.

They love talismans or symbolic items that always have a deep meaning for them, and serve them as a little “reminders” of some special moment, people or events. :)

They may have heavenly precious voices and often devote themselves to singing or music.

They have charisma, charm and sex appeal, and they can tend to be a little flirty, even to have various partners, specially men, but women as well. However, once they have children they use to settle down.

They are self-confident in terms of listening to their inner gut feelings, but on the other hand may also tend to excessively compare themselves with others, especially with other women and so they can become competitive, jealous, and a bit possessive in their couple relationships because of their insecurity with themselves.

Mermaids help us to reconnect deeper with our feelings, intuition, and to look for and take seriously the deepest part of ourselves, our truth, our own deepest ocean waters of our feelings and emotions, where, at the same time our biggest treasures are found.

Mermaids ask you: "Are you being true to yourself? Are you ignoring some part of you?" They point out our self-deceptions and dishonesty.

At the same time they help us with our feminine aspects, to flow like water, to Live the Life, to see and honor the beauty and grace of all creation. They inspire us to play some instrument or to sing, or just to play with music, dancing or moving. They also teach us to take care of ourselves and live a healthy life, to eat healthy and do some kind of sport, to see and truly support the life and abundance which resides within us and everywhere.

They also ask you: "What is your inner child telling you right now? Listen and act according to it!"

They remember us the importance of joy and humor, of opening the heart and play again as a child, as they help us to reconnect  back with our Inner Child, with our emotional body, and teach us that to give it the importance it deserves is absolutely essential and indispensable, as God lives and creates all abundance from this place.

They show us how to give it more space and make it priority, and hand in hand with it how to let go of our limiting programs and habits of living and creating our lives from the place of fear and predator mind perspective, according to which one needs to struggle or fight in order to survive.

They make us remember that not only it is possible to live and create abundance and life we truly desire from a space of playfulness and easiness, but that it is even the only way to create true abundance and, even more, it is our absolutely natural (and original) state of being, from where the creation arises naturally and effortlessly.

Mermaids also help us get in touch with our Innocence again, to get lighter so we can enjoy more the life, to get playful and passionate about it and to see the world through the eyes of Wonder again! Have a nice day mermaids! :)

Picture Credit to:

Josephine Wall. Others not found. Please contact us to claim your credit, thank you.

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