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Quick Guide

through Sacred Rays

"La Guía Rápida de los Rayos Sagrados"

This is Quick Guide through Sacred Rays.


It is a live space, which is growing and changing progressively as I am doing some


discoveries around them.


Hope you enjoy!

How to choose your Ray of Light?

Many times your Ray Color is usually the one you like the most since you were a child, or the color that you never have enough and you never get tired of, but first of all, you don't have to know exactly which Ray of Light you represent, as many times we feel attracted to the color we need in that period of time in order to help us move forward in some area of our life, so you can just

intuitively choose


the one you are attracted to. Also you can read about their qualities below and then pick out the one you prefer. It´s up to you.

Just follow your gut and..



Have fun!


Red Ray


Pulse of Life.
The Rhythm of the Nature.
Divine Timing.
Your Personal Blueprint.
Determines your true YOU,
your uniqueness.
Life purpose fulfillment.
Your personal Tree of Life.
Drives the Life Force.
Body/Spirit meeting point.

Determines how strongly you

are grounded as a spiritual being.

The subatomic level.
Stability, Safety, Security, Fearlessness.
Trust in God.
Strong self-esteem and self-confidence.
Being Leader of your life,
assuming your responsibility.

Abundance, ease, gratitude.

"I am.”





Orange Ray

Joy, Passion, true Desires, Motivation.
Unconscious mind of instinct.   

Emotional body.

Inner child.
Sharing, Co-creating, Relationships.

Giving and receiving in harmony.
Healthy Boundaries in therms of sharing.
Juiciness of Life,
perceiving world through senses.
Satisfaction, well-being, comfort.
Pleasure, Sexuality.
Enjoying feeling fully alive.
Expressing who you truly are,
living your creative nature.

Fundamental realization,
creation of Life, conception.





Yellow Ray

The manifested.
Divine Will made reality.

Joyful Sharing of who I am.
Shining who you truly are.

Supports others to shine their light too.
“I does the divine to grow and bloom here.”

Visibility, tangibility.
Freedom to be oneself.
Life purpose, true self-realization.

Occupying your place in the World.
Life, light, love and joy giving.
Extroverted activity, action.

Trusting God and Oneself
as divine manifestation.Self-confidence.

“I know who I am. I believe in me.”

Using your Gifts for good of all.
Conscious mind.
Personality, identity, healthy Ego.
"I will.” "I can.” “I do.”





Green Ray

Love of God.
Peace, Unity, and re-connection.
Unifying Force.
Balance, harmony and Healing.
Purity of the intention, innocence.
Life giving breath.
True passion and courage of the heart.
Living and creating from inside out.
The Divine Truth.
Sacredness and Sovereignty.
Divine Laws, Divine Order.
Healthy boundaries in therms of
self-love and respect.

Heaven-Earth integration within,

as a whole spiritual-human being.
Beauty in all things.
Higher human emotions and feelings.

Meaningful relationships.
Compassion, forgiveness, gratitude.
Transcending limitations of the Ego.
Vitality, abundance, nurturing.
Giving and receiving from the place of love.

"I love.”





Blue Ray

Word and Sound.
Commanding energy into manifestation.
Creation in alignment with the Truth of Heart.
“As above, so below.”
Loyalty and Honesty.
Expression and Communication.
Courage to express the Truth.
Action, making things happen.
Integrity, coherency.
Lightness, quickness, cleverness.
Clarity and Focus.
Ego-free expression.
Heart-Mind Integration.
Perception of what needs to change.
Expression from the center of the being,
from stillness.
Self-confidence in terms of expression."I say.”





Indigo Ray

Unpolluted vision.

Distinguishing between Truth and Illusion.   

Intuitive psychic sensitivity and perception
of ideas, new insights, imagination.
Communication with other dimensions,
with the intangible.
Inspiration, creativity, motivation.
Willingness to see the truth.
“I am loyal to what I see.”
Creating the reality through
power of visualization.
Beam focus capacity.
Openness & “no mind” space to be able
to perceive new ideas & perspectives.

Assimilation of your higher vision on mental

level and bringing it into daily life practice.

Living in coherence.
Balancing & integrating polarities into Unity.
Finding the Divine within the mundane.
Patience, Humility, Acceptance, Tolerance.
Authenticity, equality.

“I see.”





Violet Ray


Calming, pacific, spiritual.
Connection to the Divine.

Integration of who you truly are.
Awakening, ascension, return Home within.

Relationship to Higher Self and God.  

Openness, believing, trusting God, the spiritual.  

Cleansing of negativity.
Breakthrough the limitation into freedom.

The change and detachment.
Letting go, letting in.
Acceptance of the truth.
Tenderness, serenity, humility, healthy servitude.
Living the spiritual teachings & awareness.
Experiencing what is Oneness.
Seeing the perfection in all,

free from prejudice and judgment.
Sharing joy of living as a whole,

physical and spiritual being.

Science of alchemy.  

The general, amplitude, magnitude.

“I understand.”





White Ray


Created by merging of the three founder rays,

thus is a result of balance and Unity of these.

Wholeness, Divinity.

The original eternal divine-human
being body blueprint.

Helps you to reconnect with this principle.

Brings the Divine to the Earth.

Connects you with your unique essence.

Protection shield.

Honesty, transparency, purity.

Responsibility, direction, mastery.

Clear mindedness.

Ray of purification & forgiveness.

Lightness, relief, levity.
Ascension, elevation.

Connects to God Source flow of infinite energy.

Judgment-free love that hugs & welcomes.
“Everything is OK” frequency.
Openness to all Goodness.
Makes you feel Divine and worthy.
Perceiving, love, pleasure, joy.
It distinguishes Ray frequencies & its distortions.

Optimism, “everything is possible”.
Believing in you & in miracles.
Calms the inner child.





Aquamarine Ray

The Divine Mother Aqua Flame.
One of the three Founder Rays.
Magnetic Force.
Power of healing itself and others.
The beginning & the end of creation.
She is both, creative and purification force.
Connects us back to Unity.
Works with the elements and elementals.
Loving, nurturing, holding, sustaining.
Living the unconditional love.
Protector of her offspring.
Transmutates victimization patterns.
Brings grounding and peace in the midst of chaos.
Emotional trauma and addictions healing.
Sacred Space, boundaries.
Sings the song of the Divine Heart.
Life giving breath, abundance.
Living and creating from inside out.
Purity of the intention, innocence.
True passion and courage of the heart.
The Divine truth.
Compassion, forgiveness, gratitude.




Golden Ray

One of the three founder rays.

The Divine Child Ray, Unity being.

Result of father-mother principle union.
Unity through purification & Balance
of feminine and masculine principles
and all polarities within.

State of energetic Balance.

Eternal Life principle, energetic
sovereignty, immortality.

Way out of energetic parasitism & codependency.

Flow of infinite energy, Abundance, Sovereignty.

Universal Laws & boundaries that maintain
energetic Sovereignty and protect Life.
Positioning, firmness, constancy, courage.
Authenticity, honesty, integrity, coherency.
Helps deal with bullying or manipulations.
Wisdom, enlightenment, discernment, clarity.
Merges science, cosmology, spirituality.
Anchoring cosmic energies.
Feather (bird) Tribe, Starseeds, Indigos,…

Helping others, healthy empathy and solidarity.





Magenta / Pink Ray

The Divine Father Ray.
One of the three founder rays.
Sun that gives light to all things.
Benevolence merged with true power.
Law of compassion in action towards all living things.
Cultivation of character, virtues and ethics.
Strengthening our spiritual roots.
Feeling completely safe with God.
Building trust with father principle within.
Healing unconscious issues in our root chakra.
Overrides false believes of security and protection.
Heals betrayals of trust.
Personal tree of life, original divine design.
Strong inner-core self, strength at foundation.
Self-esteem, self-worth, based upon the inner.
He is supporting the Truth.
Taking responsibility, Empowerment.
Father´s hand helping his children.
Our mind, Personality.
Overrides selfishness, narcissism,
religious violence, fear, tyranny, victim/aggressor
archetypes, weakness, stagnancy, blindness,

dependence, frailty and apathy.





Threefold Flame

The three founder rays:

Aquamarine, Golden, Pink.

The Sacred Trinity.

The primordial expression of God
composed of three tones.
Divine Mother, Divine Father and Divine Child.
The Core Essence of everything that exists.
Original Architecture of Cosmos,
Macrocosmos & Microcosmos.
They all form Unity that connects directly to
the Eternal Source of living Light and Life.
   Inner energetic balance and Unity.


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Captura de pantalla 2019-02-26 a las 14.

More Sacred Rays will be added.

The information on this sub-page (Sacred Rays), is based on my personal inner wisdom, sometimes contrasted with similar topics from various resources, as for example Laurie A. Baum and Lisa Renee. However, even this information prevalently coincides with my own knowledge and experience that this page is mostly about.


Picture credit on this sub-page (Sacred Rays): Freepic and various. Please contact me to reclaim your picture if needed, thank you.


       You are free to copy and share the material presented on this web page for non commercial use only, as long as you give the author credit and do not alter the work neither format in any way without permission from the copyright holder.


2017 - 2018 Sacred Rays Gifts

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